When and how did the first human race begin? Will it be sent from the heavens (by a supernatural entity i.e. alien) to the earth in the same state or did it grow on the earth itself? Let's find out:
#Homo_habilis #Homo_habilis
Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia.
Class: Mammals.
Order: Primate.
Suborder: Haplorini.
Infra-order: semi-form.
Family: Hominidae.
Subfamily: Homininae.
Genus: Homo.
Species: Habelius.
According to the information so far, the human race originated from Homo habilis 2.5 to 2.3 million (i.e. 25 to 23 million) years ago at the beginning of the Pleistocene period, and we have 2.5 million to 1.4 million (i.e. 25 to 14 million) from today. Traces are found up to 100,000 years ago. Since this human race knew how to work with their hands, experts also give them the title of "handyman". Their arms, (like their ancestors Australopithecus) were still relatively long compared to their legs, and they knew how to carve and work tools from stones, sticks, and bones (Homo habilis, according to available information). Along with being the first human species, it was also the first human species to use bones and bones as weapons.) The species whose binomial name is Homo habilis, whose earliest traces are found in the Great Rift Valley in East Africa in the 60s, especially Meet Tanzania' (The Great Rift Valley is a huge valley spanning the whole of East Africa, covering an area of about 7,000 km. It spans several countries. Archaeological sites in it provide us with an understanding of early human evolution. have proved invaluable in furthering and understanding.)

This species, according to the available information so far, was one of the earliest members of the genus Homo, which slowly evolved from Australopithecus around 2.5 million (2.5 to 2.3 million) years ago, becoming the first human species. And the golden age of the genus Homo began (that is, we, Homo evolved), whose fossils we find in the eastern and southern parts of the continent of Africa. While the earliest traces of this species {as mentioned above} that we found in the 60s in the East African country of Tanzania, the Oldwai Gorge (a 48 km long gorge located in the Great Rift Valley, which is one of the most famous paleoanthropological sites) is also one of them.) are found in the rocks of . In addition, we have found traces of this extinct early human race in many other places in Africa (that is, in other parts of Africa, such as the southern continent of Africa and the northeastern continent of Africa), especially in the Republic of Kenya and Ethiopia.
Physiological structure of Homo habilis
Homo habilis had a slightly larger brain than its ancestor Australopithecus, and its face (flatter) and teeth were smaller than those of its ancestor Australopithecus (or other hominid species), suggesting that its jaws and teeth were similar to those of its ancestor Australopithecus. Ancestors were smaller than Australopithecus and had larger brains (as well as changes in weight and height). But the species still retained some of its ape-like characteristics. Their arms were relatively long in size, their legs were relatively long, while their faces (and faces still) resembled those of monkeys (as they still do today) due to belonging to the same family tree. Therefore, it will not be wrong to say that they were small monkey-like humans or monkeys were like them. Since apes evolved before us, it would be more appropriate to say that we were (are) ape-like humans who diverged from an ancestor 30 to 35 million (three and a half to three million) years ago and evolved into a distinct identity. gone.
Now some interesting facts about Homo habilis:
No. 1 From the fossils we found, we found that they were not very tall, 1.2 to 1.4 meters, that is, from three and a half to four and a half feet, and their weight was not much more than 30 It was up to 40 kg.
While if talk! Their ancestor, Australopithecus, had an average height of 4 to 5 feet for males and a weight of 100 pounds (45 kilograms), while the average height for females was 3.5 to 4 feet and a weight of 62 pounds. It was around 30 to 35 kg.
No. 2: From the skull fossils found, we found that the volume of the cranial cavity of Homo habilis was 650 to 700 CC. Which is 1.7% of their body weight. While their ancestor Australopithecus had a brain size of around 450 cc (relatively small) which was 1.3% of their body weight (which is evidence that the divergence from Australopithecus into Homo The brains of these evolved species were growing... and the intelligence we see today in Homo sapiens sapiens also went through very difficult stages {gradually over a very long time} to reach its present form. (not that we were intelligent beings from the start)
Remember that we too have evolved on the same earth as other species, only we were exposed to such conditions and conditioners (selection pressures) and at the same time there were mutations in us due to which our brains grew in a better way such as Other organs in other species. The tiger is the most powerful of all species today, because it faced the same conditions and mutations in its battle for survival that it fought to exist in its current state, just like dogs, cats, horses, even us and all species. (Does the cat also think like you, why cats did not evolve and become lions? Just like you people think why monkeys do not evolve and become humans? Or are becoming) Similarly, this It is also very wrong to say that we are the best creatures, but we are also a small part of the life on this earth like other species. If we are mentally superior to the rest of the species, then the other species also evolved from each other in their own characteristics. Shouldn't they also get the tag of Ashraf al-Makhluqat because of their characteristics??? A lion should get the tag of Ashraf al-Mukhluqat in strength, a whale or an elephant should be considered as Ashraf al-Mukhluqat based on their massive existence, and a butterfly because of their beauty.
No. 3_ Since Homo habilis evolved from Australopithecus (which after a very long time gradually learned the art of standing and walking upright on two legs), bipedalism i.e. the art of standing and walking upright on two legs is also Homo. Habelius had inherited it from his ancestor Australopithecus.
#4_Homo habilis had the skills to carve stones and bones to make weapons, and they are believed to be the first human species to make and use stone tools as well as being the earliest human species. That is why he is sometimes called a weapon maker by experts. (However, it is also possible that earlier Hominid species used light weapons, as archaeologists found some 3.3 million-year-old stone tools at a site in Kenya. (Since these tools are found with the remains of Australopithecus, it is assumed that these tools were used by Australopithecus and also knew some degree of tool making.)
Number 5: Australopithecus not only ate leaves and herbs, but also ate raw meat, and this was also passed on to their next generations. Then when Homo habilis evolved from Australopithecus, they also inherited the same thing from their ancestors. Then the next species (Homo erectus and Homo heidelbergensis) who evolved (after a long time) after that (Homo habilis) added to this that they started cooking meat after discovering fire. This made his brain growth even faster.
daughter of truth
»»Some Information on Homo Habilis Fossils: If You Want to Read««
Olduvai Hominid Fossils
OH 7
4 No. 1960 Leakey and Jonathan's team discovered some fossils of Homo habilis from 1.7 to 1.8 million years old from Oldwai Gorge, Tanzania (Great Rift Valley of East Africa) such as: lower jaw bone fossils, teeth, molars, Finger fossils etc
(Because experts found these fossils in Olduvai Gorge, that's why it's called Olduvai Hominid for short OH and 7 means the site number means the seventh site. While the nickname of this fossil is Johnny's Child.)
OH 24
In 1968, archaeologist Peter Nzob also found fossils of the skull of Homo habilis, 1.8 million years old, in Tanzania's Oldawai Gorge. Which was given the nickname twiggy after the name of the famous Statue Twiggy.
OH 62
In 1986, archaeologist Tim White also found about 302 pieces of body bones, including legs, hands, of a 1.8-million-year-old skeleton from Oldwai Gorge. Studies of the femurs and collarbones of the fossils revealed that the species was very short and that it was a female skeleton. This was a very important discovery because these fossils gave us It played an important role in determining the proportions of the arms, legs and body of this species and we also got the opportunity to understand this. that these were fossils of the first ape-like humans. This solved the mystery of the intermediate link between hominid and hominin.
OH 8
In 1960, Lewis, Leakey and their team found some 1.8 million-year-old foot bone fossils, which we found to be the bones of the left foot of Homo habilis, in which the heel bone was also missing, but the toe was normal. were similar to existing humans, from whose studies we found that Homo habilis also walked like modern humans.
OH 35
Some lower leg bones were discovered in the 1960s in Oldawai Gorge, Tanzania. Based on studies of these leg bones and the foot bones found in OH 8, it is believed that they belonged to the same person.
KNM-ER 42703 (2000)
The youngest ever fossil of Homo habilis was found by a team of archaeologists at the Ileret site in Northside, Kenya, in the Great Rift Valley (another country in Africa). Radiometric dating of rock samples from the site showed that the fossils were 1.4 to 1.5 million years old. These fossils were the bones of the right upper jaw. (This gives us an idea of the time frame of Homo habilis that they last existed before they went extinct.)
KNM-ER 1470
These fossils were discovered by us in 1974 at the Kobe Fora site in Kenya. At first, we thought they were the fossils of Homo habilis, but later experts found out from studies that these fossils belong to Homo rhodolphins instead of Homo habilis.
KMN-ER 1813
These fossils, too, consisted of skull bones. Archaeologists at the Kobe Fora site in Kenya discovered in 1973 fossilized skulls of a 1.9-million-year-old Homo habilis.
(Studies of all the skull fossils ever found of Homo habilis have given us the brain size and structure.)
AL 666-1
Archaeologists also found fossils in 1994 at a site in Ethiopia that were 2.3 to 2.5 million years old, including jawbones and other fossils (including some tool fossils).
Studies of these fossils and the KNM-ER 42703 fossil from Kenya give us an idea of what time period Homo habilis existed and what characteristics it possessed.